Friday 22 May 2009

Slurs on my not-so-good name

OK. I'm no saint, I'll freely admit that. But, one thing I'm not is a bully, and I'm not quite sure why I'm being painted as one.

A little bit of context here: It's no secret that there's no love lost between myself and the staff of "Outpost Skaro". Since their inception, they've been personally been abusive to at least two good friends of mine, namely Rich Flair and The Co=Ordinator, as well as being generally unpleasant about the Wrinklies as a group. Anyway, on Monday, there was a bit of a fracas on DWF between me, Sheringham, and OS moderator Hourglass. This went on for a little while until the staff stepped in and told us all to leave off. So we did.

A bit later that evening, i had this message from OS supremo Eddie:

Interesting. I've got no beef with Eddie, but felt uncomfortable just dropping everything that had been said about my friends, so I um-ed and I ah-ed.

The next morning, before I'd responded, I got this:

...fair enough. Bit confusing, given the conciliatory tone of the previous evenning, but no great loss.

So I thought that was it. Until this appared on Eddie's blog today. please note the 6th paragraph:

Lat me just state here: I have no idea who this "female poster" is, nor do I know anything about any threats. But anyone who knows me offline will testify that I wouldn't pull anything like this shit.I just don't have the balls, apart from anything else - quite aside from that, it's only a TV show, why would I threaten anyone over it? And, unless said person lives in my immediate area, it'd be a pretty rubbish threat anyway...

So, either someone is making stuff up, or someone is imitating my online ID, or even someone is imitating Eddie's ID to send me the conciliatory message in the first place.

Whatever it is, I'd like to see any evidence of it.

Actually, I'd rather like to know which forum this was supposed to have happened on; if it was on DWF, the staff would have done something about it, and it can't have been on OS, since my account's been deleted. So come on Eddie - where was it?


Youth of Australia said...

Dude. Trust me. You're not a bully. I know bullies. They're the bastards who fired me and threatened to sue me for sexual harrassment even though the supposed "victims" were good friends of mine and more than willing to testify for me.

Do what I'd do in this scenario - start a new account with a cunning name like notColinHicks or something like that...

Colin said...

*raises eyebrow*

I can't imagine you ever doing anything like that, Ewen...

Anyway, I have no interest in going back thre. What would I possibly gain from spending time anywhere where they want to, at least, slag me off, or worse, make up potentially libellous statements about me, all because I defended my mates?

They're just not worth it.

Colin said...
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Youth of Australia said...

You're right.

What else is there to say?